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new hips


scar tissue, aches, and pains

resentments, old and heavy

everybody wants to die

not me anymore though

guess it faded

maybe faded is too underwhelming word

i guess burned is the more appropriate term

the blaze engulfed my mother's house and my ideations

transforming them into ash and action

wheezes, snores, and clogged pores

red 40 and cottonseed oil for 3 generations

thats a lot of pores

good thing we're magic

spiteful witchy things

i can feel the heaviness of this yuck

sympathize with it

how long have you been carrying this?

your physical body carries it

aching, begging, pleading in a chronic whisper

let go let go let go

not numb -- no!

swallowing -- no!

stifling -- no!

tense -- jaw!

mom has new hips now

two incision slits

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